Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Warren Buffett

When I was young, I keened on the stuffs about investment. I wanted to figure out all the theories and the operations of investment.
Day by day, I read a book about investment and I saw the name of Warren Buffett.
The book described the amazing successful investment made by Warren Buffett and his unique sight. I was curious about him and thus, started admire him. If I could meet him, I would definitely ask the values in his life.
Although many people would like to ask him some questions about investments, I think it has better to know him in-depth so that you can guess what he think and eventually know his investment method.
Recently, global economy strucked with the financial crisis. I think it's time for Warren Buffet to save the world as the new president - Obama want him be the financial secretary of the United States. Buffet is the best choice of the financial secretary to solve the problems.

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